The November full moon has caused me to have more vivid dreams. They were hard to interpret but I would rather think they were signs for a better future. Due to the busy swimming schedule I have had little time to come back and write on my blog. Also I would like to put more depth in the Tarot cards I am showing but then I have not found a better way to present it yet.
As the fall goes into the winter it is getting harder to get out and head to the swimming pool. However I try to manage and keep up my committed quota every week. I am still a bit behind. Recent events has set my life into a new pattern and it might keep out some adventurous excitement. If anyone is aware of the coming Grand Cross around the December full moon he or she would agree to save up some energy and resources from this month to get prepared for the near future. With Uranus heavily involved after it went direct shortly before it would definitely present some weird turns in life for people who are in its path...
What will the Grand Cross, made of the sun, the moon, Uranus, and Saturn, bring to the world? With the economy down in the low I guess I am afraid to think too much about it. We might all have to wait a bit and see. To experience it first hand is probably one the best way to learn I would think...