2009年4月16日 星期四

Mercury retrograde in May and the Lunar eclipse in July...

As the month of May is getting close, the Mercury retrograde that would be very close to the full moon will become the focus of many people's life. Life in a regular month cycle usually follows the changing energy and phases of the moon; therefore whatever coincide with focus points of the moon energy cycles --- the new moon and the full moon --- would definitely get a strong boost of the energy and people are going to feel the greater effects of such events from the astrology point of view.

Two months later in July we will have the lunar eclipse coming at the full moon. For a friend of mine who has been going through a lot of tough matters during the recent full moon periods I am afraid it is going to bring him more shock and personal issues to deal with. Also this lunar eclipse in July falls on the birthday of a very close friend of mine in USA. Let's just say it would surely bring a lot of different matters to the surface for further examination and improvement.

After starting my Tarot reading business it has been going quite slow, probably due to the service fees which are set in the middle to high ranges. I would think that it is for the best as I do not want to deal with people who just want to check things out while they have nothing else better to do at the time. It is a serious matter for me to read Tarot and give life related advices for people in need. I have rejected a couple of guys who just want a free sample of my Tarot services over the MSN chat. I have thought long and hard about charging for reading Tarot, and it has to be this way so people would not take the information lightly since they have paid a decent price.

Due to the modern education they receive, most young people I run into do not know how to respect and appreciate the art of Tarot, or any other spiritual practices. Some think it as bunch of nonsense that only the uneducated fools would buy into. Others, while might believe in its true nature and power, get to rely upon it too much for almost everything they do in life. I tend to take it as just some different information that could be helpful for people who are in a difficult period in their life. What I learn about the truth in life tells me there is no free lunch after all. Every decision one makes is upon certain compromises given away. The art of life planning and management is to understand what to give for what is taken, not to get the best one desires and "beat the game". The latter would be known as manipulation, which never brings anything decent or beneficial in the long run.

One misunderstanding of Tarot that is made by most is to think it as pulling a card in the deck (or only in the 22 major arcana cards) and reading it to see the future. This is due to the shallow depth of the people who practice Tarot in Taiwan. I always would explain how important a spread is for people who are serious of learning Tarot. The learning curve of Tarot is not hard at all, but such over-simplification would lose the depth in the meaning of the cards. Furthermore, would anyone take the advice of life seriously if it comes from readers who can read just one card by memorizing the books?